Richard Rathe, MD
Associate Professor
Community Health and Family Medicine
Medical Informatician
Epic Ambulatory
UFHealth System
1600 SW Archer Road
P.O. Box 100354
Gainesville, Florida 32610
@richardrathe (Twitter) (Blog)
[* A star denotes items from the current academic year.]
- Carleton College – B.A. 1978
- University of Minnesota – M.D. 1985
- University of Wyoming – Cheyenne Family Practice Residency 1985-88
- Harvard School of Public Health – Nat’l Library of Medicine Medical Informatics
Fellowship 1988-90
- Diplomate, National Board of Medical Examiners 1986
- Diplomate, American Board of Family Practice 1988-99
- Recertification 1995
- Recertification 2001
- Instructor, Advanced Cardiac Life Support 1987-00
- Provider, Advanced Trauma Life Support 1988-96
- Medical Review Officier 2010-2015
- State of Wyoming 1986-92
- State of Florida 1990-Present*
- Cutler Army Hospital, Ft. Devens, Ayer, MA – Ambulatory Care Physician 1989-90
- Harvard School of Public Health – Nat’l Library of Medicine Medical Informatics
Fellowship 1988-90 - University of Florida College of Medicine – Director of the Office of Medical Informatics
1990-2015 - University of Florida Dept of Community Health and Family Medicine – Assistant
Professor 1990-1997 - University of Florida Dept of Community Health and Family Medicine – Associate
Professor 1997-Present* - University of Florida College of Medicine – Associate Dean for Information Technology – 1998-2010
- University of Florida College of Medicine – Associate Dean for Medical Informatics – 2010-2014 [title change only]
- University of Florida College of Medicine – Director of Clinical Documentation – Epic Ambulatory – 2011-2014
- University of Florida College of Medicine – Physician Liaison & Developer – Epic Ambulatory – 2014-Present*
Honors and Awards
- Certificate of Merit, Radiologic Anatomy InfoRAD Exhibit, Radiological Society
of North America Annual Meeting, November 1992 - Cum Laude Award, Radiologic Anatomy InfoRAD Exhibit, Radiological Society
of North America Annual Meeting, November 1993 - Faculty Superior Accomplishment Award, University of Florida, 1996
- “Bronze Apple” for Educational Software, “Human Anatomy CD-ROM,”
National Educational Media Network, May 1996 - Florida Academy of Family Physicians “Special Recognition Award for Service to the Academy,” July 1998
- Celebration of Excellence Award, University of Florida College of Medicine Curriculum Committee, May 2002
- Golden Apple Teaching Award (Departmental) 2010-2011
- Exemplary Teacher Award 2016*
Major Consultations Outside the University
- “Drawing Board” – Educational Graphics Program, Scholastic, Inc.:
New York, NY, 1984 - “BIBTOOLS” – Bibliographic Processing Tools, Medical Decisions
Software: Cheyenne, WY, 1987 - “CCR”Clinical Cross Reference Software, Clinical Reference Systems,
Inc.: Denver, CO, 1987 - “HyText” – Hypertext Development System, Medical Decisions Software:
Gainesville, FL, 1988 - “HyTest” – Hypertext Testing System, Medical Decisions Software:
Gainesville, FL, 1989 - “PPP” – Primary Prevention Planner – SBIR Consultant, 1995
- AAMC Medical School Objectives Project (MSOP) – Informatics Task Force,
1998 - NBME Step 1, Standards Setting Reviewer, 2000
- NBME Performance-Based Examination Pilot Program, Software used at Five
NBME Sites, 2000-2001 - NLM Reviewer for R03 Small Grants Program, 2003
- NBME/USMLE Clinical Skills Assessment Pilot Review Committee, 2003
- NBME/USMLE Clinical Skills Assessment Training Technology Consultant, 2003
- NBME/USMLE Clinical Skills Assessment Review Committee x9, 2003-2007
- Chair, Clinical Skills Test Materials Development Committee, 2007
- Invited to Work as a Consultant at the NBME, Jun-Nov 2006
- Invited to Work as a Consultant at the NBME, Dec 2007
- NBME/USMLE Step 2 Clinical Skills IRC, 2009-2014
- Elected to the NBME/USMLE Step 2 Committee, 2010-2012
- Epic Physicians Advisory Council, 2011
- Reelected to the NBME/USMLE Step 2 Committee, 2012-2013
- Elected to the Inaugural NBME/USMLE Management Committee, 2014-2015
- Epic Physicians Advisory Council, 2012-Present*
Professional Service
- Member, Research Committee, Florida Academy of Family Physicians, 1990-1992
- Member, Education Committee, Florida Academy of Family Physicians, 1992-1998
- Chair of Communications Committee, Florida Academy of Family Physicians,
1999-00 - Director of Publications, Family Practice/Primary Care Working Group, American
Medical Informatics Association, 1994-1999 - Editor/Archivist, Good Morning Doctor!, The Autobiography of William A.
Rohlf, M.D., World Wide Web Edition, - Re-Elected Officer, Family Practice/Primary Care Working Group, American
Medical Informatics Association, 1995-97 - Newsletter Editor, Family Practice/Primary Care Working Group, American
Medical Informatics Association, 1995-97 - Webmaster, Medical Education Server,
- Software Co-Author, Geriatric Education Project, World Wide Web
- Software Author, MTX Internet Publishing Project, World Wide Web
- Guest Editor, Florida Family Physician, January 1996 Medical Informatics
Issue - Publisher, Florida Health Careers, March 1999
- Publisher, Guide to University of Florida/Shands HealthCare Grand Rounds
Online, April 1999 - Florida Academy of Family Physicians (FAFP) Advocacy Workshop, Orlando,
Florida, Embassy Suites, January 13-14, 2001 - Information Technology Planning and Deployment, “MobileGator” Free Clinic, 2010
- The Rational HPI Project, 2015-2017*
University Service
- Instructor, Clinical Decision Support, Computers in Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine, Spring 1990
- Member, Curriculum Committee, College of Medicine, University of Florida, 1990-Present
- Co-Director, Online Medical Record Project, College of Medicine/Shands Hospital, University of Florida, 1990
- Chair, Telecommunications Task Force, Health Science Center, University of Florida,1991-92
- Instructor, Physical Diagnosis, College of Medicine, University of Florida, 1991.
- Course Director, Basic Clinical Skills Course, College of Medicine, University of Florida, 1992-98
- Member, Medical Student Education Committee, Community Health and Family Medicine,University of Florida, 1992-Present
- Member, Standing Committee on Academic Computing, University of Florida, 1992-97
- Member, Copyright Committee, University of Florida, 1993-97
- Chair, Distance Education Task Force, Office of the Provost, University of Florida, 1994-95
- Organizer, “Southeastern Medical Informatics Conference,” Gainesville, Florida, June 1995
- Organizer, “2nd Southeastern Medical Informatics Conference,”
Gainesville, Florida, May 1996 - Member, Clinical Computing Committee, Shands Hospital, 1999-2004
- Co-chair, Clinical Computing Committee, Shands Hospital, 2000-2003
- Representative, AAMC-GIR, 98-Present
- AAMC-GIR Nominations Committee 2000-01
- Member, IAIMS Steering Committee, 2000-2004
- Member, IAIMS Email Task Force, 2000
- Shands Physician Order Entry (POE) Working Group, 2001
- Member, IAIMS Bioinformatics Program Planning Group, 2001
- Member, IAIMS Executive Committee, 2001-2004
- Member, Information Technology Advisory Committee – Administrative Systems
(ITAC-Admin), 2002-2010 - Member, Search Committee, Director of the Northeast Regional Data Center
(NERDC), Winter 2002 - Leader, COM Web Redesign Project, 2004
- Member, Clinical Practices Committee, Shands Hospital, 2004-2007
- UF&Shands Ambulatory Electronic Medical Record Task Force, 2005-2009
- Health Science Center Information Technology Advisory Committee, 2006-2012 (chair 2007-2008)
- Host and Maintain EvalSuite Services for Dentistry, Nursing, Pharmacy and Veterinary Medicine, 2004-2014
- Member of Dean’s Cabinet, 2007-2010
- UFP Electronic Medical Record Policy Committee, 2011-2013
- Medical Review Officier for Students, 2010-2015
Community Service
- Wyoming Medical Society, 1985-88
- Wyoming Academy of Family Physicians, 1985-88
- American Academy of Family Physicians, 1985-Present
- Boston Computer Society, 1988-90
- Volunteer, “Helping Hands” Clinic, 2001
- Volunteer, “Doctor of the Day,” Florida Senate 2001 session
- Volunteer, AMSA Health Fair, Gainesville, Florida, January 1994; February 1996, April 1998
- Volunteer, “Equal Access” Clinic for the Homeless, Gainesville, Florida, 1992-2016*
- Volunteer, Mobile Outreach Clinic, Gainesville, Florida, 2017-Present*
Membership in Professional Societies
- Massachusetts Academy of Family Physicians, 1988-90
- American Medical Informatics Association, 1990-2006
- Florida Academy of Family Physicians, 1990-Present*
- Computer-Based Patient Record Institute, 1992-94
- Charter Editorial Board Member, eMD Journal, McGraw-Hill, 1997-1998
- “Designing a Differential Diagnosis Front-End to a Medical Hypertext,”
panel, 11th Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, November
1987. - “Sharing the Literature: A Medical Informatics Reference Database,”
paper, 7th National Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Education,
April 1990. - “Assessing Florida’s Medicaid Expansions: Regional Differences in Ambulatory
Care Funding Distributions from the Public Assistance Trust Fund,” presentation,
2nd Annual Primary Care Research Conference, January 1991. - “Radiologic Anatomy Interactive Software.” Presented at the Medical
Student Research Day, University of Florida, College of Medicine, Gainesville,
Florida, March 1991. - “Computer Interactive Program for First Year Medical Students.”
Presented at the Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological
Society of North America, InfoRad, Chicago, Illinois, November-December 1991. - “Radiologic Anatomy Interactive Software,” Presented at the Medical
Student Research Day, University of Florida, College of Medicine, Gainesville,
Florida, March 1992. - “Computerized Patient Records,” invited speaker, Society of Teachers
of Family Medicine Annual Meeting, April 1992. - “Radiologic Anatomy: Computer Interactive Instruction for Medical Students.”
Presented at the University of Florida College of Medicine Faculty Research
and Medical Informatics Day, Gainesville, Florida, April 1992. - “The On-Line Medical Record,” invited speaker, Hershey Medical
Center, Hershey, PA, November 1992. - “Computer Interactive Courseware for Medical Students,” Presented
at the Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society
of North America, InfoRad, Chicago, Illinois, November-December 1992. - “Radiologic Anatomy Interactive Software,” Presented at the Medical
Student Research Day, University of Florida, College of Medicine, Gainesville,
Florida, March 1993. - Production of Computer-Assisted Instruction Courseware, workshop, Southern
Group on Educational Affairs of the American Association of Medical Colleges
Annual Meeting, April 1994. - “Systems Integration to Support an On-Line Medical Record,” paper,
American Medical Informatics Association Spring Congress, May 1994. - “Enterprise-Wide System Integration: Unanticipated Benefits and Limitations,”
paper, American Medical Informatics Association Spring Congress, May 1994. - “Future Directions for Computer-Assisted Instruction,” Seminar,
Health Science Center, Gainesville, Florida, January 1995. - “Medical Informatics,” key note speaker, Memorial Hospital System
Continuing Education Seminar, Deland, Florida, February 1995. - “Musculoskeletal Pathology,” interactive poster, American Academy
of Orthopedic Surgeons, February 1995. - “Strategies for Integration of Computer Technology in the Basic Sciences,”
invited speaker, Southern Group on Educational Affairs of the American Association
of Medical Colleges of Annual Meeting, May 1995. - “Communications Technology in the Curriculum,” invited speaker,
Southern Group on Educational Affairs of the American Association of Medical
Colleges Annual Meeting, May 1995. - World Wide Web/HTML, Workshop, Southern Group on Educational Affairs of
the American Association of Medical Colleges Annual Meeting, May 1995. - “Developing Educational Resources for the Internet (Part 2),”
Faculty Development Workshop, Health Science Center, Gainesville, Florida,
June 1995. - “Using Standardized Patients to Teach and Assess Basic Clinical Skills
with First Year Medical Students,” poster, Southern Group on Educational
Affairs of the American Association of Medical Colleges Annual Meeting, May
1995. - “Interactive Courseware in the Curriculum,” poster, Southern Group
on Educational Affairs of the American Association of Medical Colleges Annual
Meeting, May 1995. - “A Users Guide to the Internet,” Faculty Development Workshop,
Health Science Center, Gainesville, Florida, May 1995. - “Continuing Education and the Internet,” invited speaker, Internet
Medicine Conference, Midland Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, October 24, 1995. - “Creating Your Own World Wide Web Resources,” invited workshop,
Internet Medicine Conference, Midland Hotel, Chicago, Illinois, October 25,
1995. - “Beyond the Web: HTML as an Abstract Document Specification,”
poster, Proceedings of the 19th Annual Symposium on Computer Applications
in Medical Care, 1995; pg 973. - Organizer, Computers in Medical Education Special Interest Group, AAMC Southern
Group on Educational Affairs, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida,
March 29, 1996. - Organizer, Second Southeastern Medical Informatics Conference, University
of Florida, Gainesville, Florida, March 30, 1996. - “Adding High Level Components to HTML Documents,” paper presentation,
Second Southeastern Medical Informatics Conference, University of Florida,
Gainesville, Florida, March 30, 1996. - “Creating World Wide Web Resources,” Faculty Development Workshop,
Second Southeastern Medical Informatics Conference, University of Florida,
Gainesville, Florida, March 30, 1996. - “Computers, Informatics & the Physician in Practice,” invited
key note speaker, Perspectives in Primary Care Conference, 25th UICOM-UC Anniversary
Alumni Conference, University of Illinois College of Medicine at Urbana-Champaign,
May 25, 1996. - Organizer, Second Southeastern Medical Informatics Conference, University
of Florida, March 30, 1996. - Organizer, Computers in Medical Education Special Interest Group, AAMC Southern
Group on Educational Affairs, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida,
March 29, 1996. - “Teleconferencing Skills Development.” Faculty Development workshop
presented to faculty at the University of Florida College of Medicine, June
25-27, 1996. - Reviewer, Paper presentations, American Medical Informatics Association
1996 Fall Symposium. - Tutorial: Designing, Creating, and Maintaining HTML Resources for the World
Wide Web and Beyond. 1996 AMIA Fall Symposium, Sheraton Washington Hotel,
Washington, D.C. - Article. The Internet at your Service: Have you connected to the Internet
yet? If not, a valuable resource awaits you. Family Practice Management, September
1996, (3), No. 8. - Presenter, Paper presentation. American Association of Medical Colleges
197th Annual Meeting, November 6-12, 1996, San Francisco. - Tutorial: Internet Opportunities for Health Care. Toward an Electronic Patient
Record ’97, Opryland Hotel, Nashville, TN (April 28, 1997). - Invited Panelist: Medical Informatics Advisory Panel, Medical School Objectives
Project, Association of American Medical Colleges, Spring 1997. - Workshop. An Integrated Environment for Online Courseware Development, March
22, 1997, SGEA Annual Meeting, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta GA. - Paper presentation: The Quiz CGI System. Panelist: Learning Informatics.
Submission: Indexing for Enhanced Retrieval of Medical Documents on the World
Wide Web. Annual American Medical Informatics Symposium Fall Symposium (October
16-29, 1997) - “Strategies for Locating Information on the World Wide Web,” Part
I and II, October 22, 1997. A workshop presented to the University of Florida
College of Medicine faculty, Health Science Center, Gainesville, Florida. - A Workshop: “A Method of Electronic Data Capture by Standardized Patients
During a Clinical Skills Exam,” presented at the AAMC Southern
Group on Educational Affairs 1998 Annual
Meeting, March 1998, by Margaret Duerson and Richard Rathe, Tulane University - Speaker – Health Care Issues Day, April 10, 1998.
- Invited Presenter: National Library of Medicine Baltimore Maryland (May
24-26, 1998). - Tutorial: Internet Opportunities for Health Care. Toward an Electronic Patient
Record ’98, San Antonio, TX (May 9-16, 1998). - Presenter: BibTools: A System for Capturing and Sharing Bibliographic Information
on the Internet. American Medical Informatics Association Spring Congress,
Philadelphia, PA (May 27-30, 1998) - Presenter: “Bringing Knowledge to the Point of Use.” American
Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) 1998 Annual Spring Congress, Wyndham
Franklin Plaza Hotel, Philadelphia PA, May 27-30, 1998. (11.5 hrs CME credit) - “A Paradigm Shift in Health Care Information Systems” Clinical
Infrastructures for the 21st Century.” 1998 AMIA Annual Fall Symposium,
Lake Buena Vista, Florida, November 7-11, 1998. (9.0 hours of Category 1 credit
toward Physician’s Recognition Award). - COM 12th Annual Winter Medical Update (20 hours for Category I credit toward
AMA’s Physician’s Recognition Award). - Workshop: AAMC SGEA 1999 Annual Meeting, “Automating the Evaluation
Process Using Information Technology to Evaluate Your Students, Faculty and
Curriculum Evaluation.” April 29, 1999, Puerto Rico. - Poster Presentation: “Electronic Data Capture During Clinical Skills
Exams,” presented at the AAMC SGEA 1999 Annual Meeting, May 1, 1999,
Puerto Rico. - Presentation: “The ‘Paperless’ Semester,” presented at the AAMC
SGEA 1999 Annual Meeting, May 1, 1999, Puerto Rico. - Tutorial: Internet Opportunities for HealthCare. Southern Group on Educational
Affairs Conference, San Juan, Puerto Rico, May 2, 1999. - Invited workshop, sole presenter: Automating the Evaluation Process: Using
Information Technology to Evaluate Your Students, Faculty and Curriculum,
Slice of Life Conference, June 1999, Philadelphia, PA. - Invited workshop co-presenter, Streaming Media and Synchronized Multimedia
for the World Wide Web. Instructors: Valeri Craigle, Susan Roberts, Richard
Rathe, MD., Paul Burrows. Slice of Life Conference, June 1999, Philadelphia,
PA. - Workshop Instructor: Automating the Evaluation Process: From Form Design
to Results Reporting. June 28, 2000, Slice of Life, Salt Lake City, UT. - Web Quality Panel, Fall AMIA Symposium, November 1999, Washington, D.C.
- Invited Speaker: The Internet in Medical Education, Tulane University, January
2000. - Invited Speaker: Web Applications, Central Florida HIMSS, Ft. Meyers, FL,
November 1999 - Workshop: Maximizing Usefulness of Personal Digital Assistants (PDAs) in
Clinical Settings. Workshop presentation at the SGEA 2000 Annual Meeting,
March 10, 2000, Richmond, VA. Participants: Klioze, A, Bradley K, VanSusteren
T, Rathe, R. - Central Florida HIMSS: Presenter: Physician Involvement with Information
Technical Decision Making, Gainesville, FL, August 28-29, 2000. - Health Sciences Technology Fair, October 3, 2000, hosted by UF IAIMS and
Health Science Center Libraries. Theme: “Emerging Information Technology
in Healthcare, Research and Education.” Presentation: Streaming Video;
IAIMS Panel” Future Trends in Information Technology,” Panel #1
participants: Faith Meakin, Mike Conlon, Richard Rathe. Panel #2 participants:
Richard Rathe, Shae Graham Kosch, Roland Staud, Marvin Dewar, “Communicating
with Patients via Email. - Bradley, K, Klioze, A, Rathe, R, Pettigrew, J, VanSusteren, T. Workshop
Participant: “Using Personal Digital Assistants in Clinical Settings,”
an introductory skills workshop, October, 2000. - Invited Speaker, Gold Standard Multimedia Luncheon: Paperless Evaluation:
Using the Internet to Evaluate People and Programs, AAMC111th Annual Meeting,
Chicago, IL, October 27-November 1, 2000. - Poster presentation at AAMC 111th Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL, October 30,
2000 “Using Standardized Patients as Teachers,” Davidson RA, Duerson
M, Rathe R, Pauly, R, Watson RT. - Tutorial: Automating the Evaluation Process-Using Information Technology
to Evaluate Your Students, Faculty and Programs, AMIA 2000 Annual Symposium,
November 4, 2000, Los Angeles, CA. - Panel Participant: Bringing Clinical Information to the Point of Care Using
Information Technology, AMIA 2000 Annual Symposium, November 7, 2000, Los
Angeles, CA. - Poster Presentation, Self-Organizing Hypertext Notebooks-Weaving the Web
with Jrju (The Spider), Author: R. Rathe, MD, University of Florida, Gainesville,
FL, presented at the AMIA 2000 Annual Symposium, November 7, 2000, Los Angeles,
CA. - Invited Speaker, Slice of Life Conference, Online Evaluation Workshop, Salt
Lake City, UT, July 2000 - Invited Speaker, Graylyn Conference on Medical Education, May 11, 2001.
- Poster Presentation, Medical Education Week, UFCOM, May 16, 2001.
- FMIG Skills Workshop, March 2000
- IAIMS Technology Seminar, Handheld Computers, July 2000
- Invited Speaker, Louisville Medical Center, Handheld Computers, January
2001 - Faculty Development Workshops HTML and Dreamweaver (x6), 2001
- Invited Workshop, Computer Adaptive Testing, Slice of Life conference, Munich,
Germany, August 1, 2001 - Invited Speaker, “Computer Adaptive Testing,” American Association
of Medical Colleges Annual 112th meeting (AAMC), Gold Standard Multimedia,
Washington, DC, November 4, 2001 - Moderator, Small Group Discussion “Sharing Innovative Uses of PDAs
in Clinical Medical Education,” American Association of Medical Colleges
Annual 112th meeting (AAMC), Washington, DC, November 6, 2001 - Invited Speaker, “Informatics Education Workshop,” American Medical
Informatics Association Annual Symposium (AMIA), Washington, DC, November
4, 2001 - Invited Speaker, “Innovations in Informatics” Panel, IAIMS Tech
Fair, March 12, 2002 - Faculty Development Workshops Web Design, Handhelds and Encryption (x4),
2002 - Invited Speaker, Vanderbilt University, Nashville TN, April 1, 2002
- Keynote Speaker, VetStar Conference, University of Florida College of Vet
Med, April 3, 2002 - Online Testing and Evaluation, Poster/Demo with Cynthia Karle, University
of Florida Medical Education Week, May 2002 - Online Services for Education, University of Florida Medical Education Week,
May 2002 - Invited Speaker, “Heart to Heart” Primary Care Conference, Central
Florida AHEC, Tampa, FL, February 7, 2003 - Co-Leader, Small Group Discussion, Web-based applications for learner, faculty,
and program evaluation. SGEA Annual Meeting, Miami, FL, April 24, 2003 - Invited Speaker, “Evidence-Based Medicine on the Internet”, Best
Practices in Primary Care Conference, Innisbrook, FL, September 22, 2003 - Invited Speaker, “Evidence-Based Physical Exam”, Best Practices
in Primary Care Conference, Innisbrook, FL, September 23, 2003 - Invited Speaker, “Designing and Implementing Electronic Course and
Faculty Evaluations”, IAMSE Webcast Audio Seminar Series, February 18,
2004 - Invited Speaker, “Evidence-Based Medicine on the Internet”, Grand
Rounds, Pinnacle Health System, Harrisburg, PA, February 12, 2004 - Invited Speaker, “Information Technology and the Future of Family
Pisacano Leadership Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, April 2, 2004 - Invited Speaker, “Evidence-Based Medicine on the Internet”, Pisacano
Leadership Conference, Scottsdale, AZ, April 2, 2004 - Theater-Style Demonstration, “XAM: An Internet Application for High
Stakes Examinations”, AMIA/MedInfo2004 International Meeting, San Francisco,
CA, Sept 11, 2004 - Invited Speaker, “Portfolio-Based Assessment”, University of Florida College of Dentistry, Faculty Development, March 18, 2005
- Invited Panelist, “Beyond the Clinic: Exploring Career Options”, AAMC
Student Affairs Meeting, Orlando, FL, June 11, 2005 - Workshop, “Portfolios in Medical Education”, Annual AAMC Meeting; Washington,
DC; November 9, 2005 - Invited Speaker, “PowerPoint: When Less is More and Enough is Enough”;
Education Grand Rounds, January 20, 2005 - Invited Speaker, “XAM: An Online Examination Engine Based on Open
Standards” NBME, June 12, 2006 - Invited Speaker, “Introduction to Medical Informatics”
Tutuorial, AMIA Annual Meeting, Nov 11, 2006 - Invited Panelist, “Cheating in Medical School in 2008”, SGEA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, April 3, 2009
- “Web-based Audience Response System”, Raj Mehta, Richard Rathe, John Malaty, STFM Annual Meeting, January 21, 2011
- ” The Quality of Teleconference Education in a Multi-Site Residency with the use of Web Based Audience Response Systems “, Raj Mehta, George Samraj, Richard Rathe, STFM Annual Meeting, January 23, 2012
- Invited Speaker, “Approach to Cough”, FAFP Spring Update, Sarasota, FL, April 2013
- Invited Speaker, “Databases in Medicine”, FSPEN Conference, Orlando, FL, Sept 2013
- “Rethinking HPI/ROS SmartForms”, Epic Physicians Advisory Council, Verona, WI, April 2014
- “Extracting ED-2 Data from Electronic Medical Records (Patient Logs)”, Epic Academic Advisory Council, Verona, WI, April 2015
- “Building Problem-Oriented Notes: The Evolution of a Documentation Tool”, Epic Physicians Advisory Council, Verona, WI, April 2016
- Hollinger T, Rathe R. Microscopic Anatomy. Interactive Software, Gold Standard
Multimedia, Inc. (In press). - Rarey KE, Romrell LJ, Pawlina W, Rathe R, Rosenberg JJ. Human Anatomy.
Interactive Software, Gold Standard Multimedia, Inc. 1995. - Lanier L, Rathe R, Seymour J. Radiologic Anatomy Interactive Software,
Gold Standard Multimedia, Inc., 1993. - Enneking, WF, Rathe R, Cornwall, G. Clinical Musculoskeletal Pathology.
Interactive Software, Gold Standard Multimedia, Inc., 1997-98. - Incontinence Chapter; Taylor, RB ed.; The 10-Minute Diagnosis Manual: Symptoms
and Signs in the Time-Limited Encounter; Lippincott (2000) - Rathe R, Klioze, A. Basic Clinical Skills Interactive Software, Gold Standard
Multimedia, Inc., October 2000.
- Rathe R, Schell CL. Bibliography Processing: A Microcomputer Workbench.
Microcomputers for Information Management 1987; 4(1):63-78. - Schell CL, Rathe R. Superior Sagittal Sinus Thrombosis – Still a Killer.
Western Journal of Medicine 1988; 149(3):304-307. - Schell CL, Rathe R. Meta-analysis: A New Tool for Medical Research. Bulletin
of the Medical Library Association 1992; 80(3):219-222. - Rooks LG, Duerson MC, Rathe R. Introduction of a Three Week Primary Care
Preceptorship into the First Semester of Medical School. Academic Medicine
1994; 69(5):424. - Rarey, KE, Romrell, LJ, Pawlina, W, Rathe, R, Rosenberg, R. Assessment of
Computer-Assisted Instruction in the Teaching of Human Gross Anatomy, 1997.
Journal of Medical Education Technology, Vol. 6(3), 409, 1997. - Rathe, R. Finding What You Need on the Internet. Family Practice Management,
May 1997. - Rathe, R. The Internet at Your Service. Family Practice Management, Vol.
3(8), September 1996. - Davidson R, Duerson M, Rathe R, Pauly R, Watson RT. Using standardized patients
as teachers: a concurrent controlled trial. Acad Med. 2001 Aug;76(8):840-3. - Rathe, R. The Complete Physical. American Family Physician, 2003 Oct 1;68(7):1439,
1443-4 (Invited) - Schell CL, Wohl R, Rathe R, Schell WJ. Automated vs manual triage for bioterrorist disaster: a blinded crossover feasibility study comparing personal digital assistant to paper-based triage. Am J Emerg Med. 2006 Nov;24(7):843-6
- Schell CL, Rathe R. Computer Searching Made Easy: Program to Find Medical Articles Quickly. Postgraduate Medicine 1988; 83(1):325-332.
- Greenes RA, Tarabar DB, Krauss M, Cope L, Slosser E, Hersh WR, Pattison-Gordon
E, Abendroth TW, Rathe R, Snydr-Michal J. Explorer-2: An Object-Oriented Framework for Knowledge Management. MEDINFO ’89 1989; 1157-1160. - Rathe R, Cope L, Greenes RA, Glaser J. System Architecture for a Clinical Workstation Providing “Point of Use” Knowledge Access. Proceedings
of the 13th Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care 1989; 669-672. - Rathe R. Using Object-Oriented Programming in Mac Designs. The ‘C’ User’s Journal 1990; 8(8):103-110.
- Rathe R, Garren T. A Student-Oriented Study Tool for Heterogeneous HyperCard
Courseware. Proceedings of the 15th Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care 1991; 732-736. - Rathe R. ‘X’ Commands for HyperCard. The ‘C’ User’s Journal 1991; 9(7):25-35.
- Lanier L, Rathe R. Teaching Radiologic Anatomy Using Interactive Technologies: A Student-Centered Approach. Journal of Medical Education Technologies 1994; 4(3):4-9.
- Rathe R. Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence. Miami Medicine 1995; 66(4):31-31.
- Rathe R. Informatics and Family Medicine (invited editorial). Florida Family Physician January 1996; 46(1):12-13.
- Rathe R. Computers in Clinical Practice (Book Review). Florida Family Physician, 1996; 46(1):18.
- Rathe R; Cornwall G. Beyond the Superhighway: Exploring HTML in Various Instructional Contexts. Proc Annu Symp Am Med Informatics Assoc., 1996; 20:546.
- Schell CL; Rathe R. Geri Ann: Designing Educational Programs for the Internet. Gerontology & Geriatrics Education, 1996; 15(4):15-25.
- Rathe R, Crandall LA, Duncan RP. Assessing Florida’s Medicaid Expansions:
Regional Differences in Ambulatory Care Funding Distributions from the Public
Assistance Trust Fund. Presentation Abstracts, 2nd Annual Primary Care Research
Conference, Agency for Health Care Policy and Research, 1991. - Lanier L, Rathe R, Seymour J, Honeyman JC, and Staab EV. Radiographic Anatomy:
Computer Interactive Instruction for Medical Students. Program of the Scientific
Assembly and Annual Meeting of the Radiological Society of North America ’91,
Chicago, Illinois, November-December 1991, p. 367. - Rathe R, Lanier L, Seymour J. Radiologic Anatomy: An Interactive System
for First Year Medical Students. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Symposium
on Computer Applications in Medical Care 1992; 802-802. - Lanier L, Rathe R, Seymour J. Computer Interactive Instruction for First
Year Medical Students. Program of the Scientific Assembly and Annual Meeting
of the Radiological Society of North America ’92, Chicago, Illinois, November-December
1992; Vol. 185, p. 413. - Rooks LG, Duerson MC, Rathe R. Introduction of a Three Week Primary Care
Preceptorship into the First Semester of Medical School, Innovations in Medical
Education, 104th Annual AAMC Meeting, Washington D.C., November 1993. - Duerson MC, Rooks LG, Rathe R. Introduction of a Three Week Primary Care
Preceptorship into the First Semester of Medical School, The Education of
Generalist Physicians: State of the Art, Conference by the U.S. Department
of Health and Human Services, Washington D.C., December 1993. - Rathe R, Romrell LJ, Rarey KE, Hollinger T, Lanier L. Normal Human Structure:
Comprehensive Courseware for Gross, Microscopic and Radiologic Anatomy. Proceedings
of the 18th Annual Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care 1994;
1035. - Rarey KR, Romrell LJ, Pawlina W, Rathe R, and Rosenberg JJ. A Computer
Program for Teaching and Self Assessment of Gross Anatomy. Annual Meeting
of the American Association of Clinical Anatomist, Galveston, TX 1994. - Rooks LG, Rathe R, Duerson MC. Introducing Primary Care Clinical Experiences
into the First Year of the Medical School Curriculum, Society of Teachers
of Family Medicine 1994 Predoctoral Conference, Tucson, AZ, January 1994. - Rarey KE, Romrell LJ, Pawlina W, Rathe R, and Rosenberg JJ. A Gross Anatomy
Computer Program for Teaching and Self Assessment. Meeting of Experimental
Biology 1994, Anaheim, CA, April 1994. - Rarey KE, Romrell LJ, Pawlina W, Rathe R, and Rosenberg JJ. Integration
of a Computer Software Program With Traditional Teaching of Gross Anatomy.
The Sixth Conference on Medical Education, Toronto Canada, June 1994. - Rarey KE, Hollinger T, Lanier L, Rathe R, Romrell LJ. First Semester Integration
of Year One Medical Curriculum With Computer-Assisted Programs, Presentation
Abstracts, American Association of Medical Colleges Annual Meeting, November
1994. - Romrell LJ, Pawlina W, Lanier L, Rathe R, Rarey KE. Anatomy Bee: An Effective
Educational Tool to Investigate the Learning of Human Anatomy. Meeting of
Experimental Biology 1995. - Rarey KE, Romrell LJ, Hollinger T, Pawlina W, Lanier L, Rathe R. Utilization
of Anatomy Grand Rounds: An Assessment Over Three Academic Years, Presentation
Abstracts, Second Biennial Conference of the Basic Science Education Forum,
June 1995. - Rarey KE, Romrell LJ, Pawlina W, Rosenberg JJ, Rathe R. Computer Assisted
Instruction Integrated With Traditional Laboratory Teaching of Human Gross
Anatomy, Presentation Abstracts, Second Biennial Conference of the Basic Science
Education Forum, June 1995. - Klioze A, Rathe R, VanSusteren T, Bradley K. Preliminary Report: The Effects
of a Personal Digital Assistant (PDA) on Medical Students and Resident Efficiency
on Internal Medicine Wards. Presented at the SGEA Annual Meeting, Richmond,
VA, March 10, 2000. - Rathe R. XAM: An Extensible Assessment Machine for High Stakes Testing.
Presented at the SGEA Annual Meeting, Miami, FL, April 24, 2003. - Rathe R, Lanier L, Sistrom C. Curriculum in Radiology Reporting: An Interactive
Web-Based Educational and Assessment Program in Communication Essentials.
Presented at the AMIA/MedInfo 2004 International Meeting, San Francisco,
CA, Sept. 10, 2004. - Harrell HE, Rathe R, Grek S. Electronic Portfolios: Promoting Timely Feedback
on a Medicine Clerkship. Journal of General Internal Medicine. 2005; 20 (supplement
1):42 - Cavanagh C, Arnold D, Rathe R, Hagen M, Duerson M, Pauly R. Online Physical Exam Teaching Assistant. AAMC Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, Nov 2006
- Rathe R, King A, Swanson D. Adding an Extra Dimension to Clinical Simulations: A Patient Note Engine for Training and Assessment. Society for Simulation in Healthcare Annual Meeting, Orlando, FL, Jan 2007
- Rathe R. People – Tasks – Meetings: A New Approach for Leading Multi-Disciplinary Teams. SGEA Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA, Apr 2009
Software Developed
- EvalCGI: Online Evaluation Engine, 1996-2005Addition of Online Portfolio Functions, Fall 2004EvalTicker, Automatic Notification, 2006 of EvalSuite:
- XAM: Extensible Assessment Machine, 2001-2015 of EvalSuite:
- ECal: Extensible Embeddable Electronic Calendar, 2002-2005Continued Development 2006
- Confer: Secure Medical Communication Service, 2004-2005Continued Development 2006
- Pickup: Video Distribution for Students, Fall 2004Built to address the needs of the Harrell CenterConverted to Use Gatorlink Authentication 2006
- Mailto: Protected Email Service, 2005Updated 2006
- Piltdown Link Checker, 2005Updated 2006
- Confab: Online Discussion Forum, 2003-2005 Total Rewrite 2006 Continued Development 2008
- XAMSim: Wrong Answer Similarity (Cheating) Detection, Spring 2006
- Patient Note Engine (at the NBME), 2006Continued Development 2007
- People, Tasks, Meetings (PTM): Workgroup Manager, 2007
- ModCore Curriculum Services, 2008-2011
- LEAF: Leave and Travel System, 2008
- COMPTrac: Academic Databases, Transfer/Rewrite, 2008
- COM Podcast Site/Software, 2009-2012
- WordPress “Sites” Publishing System (Supervised), 2010
- Canvass Online Survey Tool, 2010-Present
- Web-based Audience Response System, 2010-Present
- StudyCore Curriculum Services (Principal Architect), Under Development, 2010-2015
- XAMDrop Test Materials Dropbox, 2011
- Contact Communications Service, 2011
- Team-Based Learning Extensions to Canvass, 2012, 2014
- QuickHPI, 2015 - Rational HPI Epic SmartTools versions 5 & 6, 2016
[Type .rhpi in a progress note.]
- Hollinger TG, Rathe RL, Garren T. Microscopic Anatomy Interactive Software,
University of Florida Medical Curriculum, 1990. - Lanier L, Rathe R, Seymour J. Radiologic Anatomy Interactive Software,
University of Florida Medical Curriculum, 1992. - Rarey KE, Romrell LJ, Pawlina W, Rathe R, Rosenberg JJ. Human Anatomy Interactive
Software, University of Florida Medical Curriculum, 1993. - Rathe R. Computers in Clinical Practice. Florida Family Physician January
1996; 46(1):24. - Rathe R. Basic Clinical Skills Web Site. University of Florida Medical
Curriculum, 1996-2002. (1996) & (2001) - Cavanagh C, Arnold D, Pauly R, Hagen M, Rathe R. Online Physical Exam Teaching
Assistant, 2004. - Health Policy/Primary Care/Medical Education Blog, 2008-Present*
- Health Policy/Primary Care/Medical Education Twitter Feed, 2010-Present*
- Documentation and Policy Site, 2008-Present
- Redesigned Faculty Evaluation Reports, 2011
- Tech Fee Award to Develop an “EDU Region” in Epic, Part of a multi-college consortium, 2011-2012
- Patient Instructions Card for Use in Clinic, 2015
Educational Activities
- Faculty Advisor, Personal Digital Assistant Interest Group Newton Users
Group, 1995-Present - Chair, Hand-Held Computer Interest Group, 1999-Present
- Educational Coordinator, Gainesville to Jacksonville Video Teleconferencing,
1995-1998 - Course Director, Basic Clinical Skills I, 1992-1998
- Course Director, Basic Clinical Skills II, 1995-1998
- Co-Director, Basic Clinical Skills/Essentials of Patient Care, 1998-2003
- Faculty Advisor, 1995-Present
- Instructor, Family Practice Residency Medical Informatics Elective, 2 Residents, 1998-2000
- Instructor, Introduction to Medical Informatics, 4th Year Elective (CMC56),
1995-Present - Instructor, Special Projects in Medical Informatics, 4th Year Elective (CMC57),
1995-Present - Family Medicine Dermatology Lecture Series, 1999-Present*
- EPC Small Group Leader, 1998-2006, 2010-2012
- Andria Klioze Fellowship, 1999-2000
- Online Testing Center Director, 2001-2015
- Residents as Educators, 2004-2006
- Performance-Based Case Development Committee, 2004-2006
- Evidence-Based Medicine Small Group Leader, 2007-2010
- Ambulatory Bedside Instructor, Medical, PA and Health Professions Students, 2011-Present*
- Family Medicine Approach to Cough Lecture Series, 2008-Present*
- Collaborative Learning Small Group Leader, 2013-2014
Contracts and Grants
- Gold Standard Multimedia; L. Lanier, R. Rathe, J. Seymore; “Radiologic
Anatomy”; Royalty to the University - Gold Standard Multimedia; R. Rathe; “Video Manual of Human Dissection-Gross
Anatomy”; Royalty to the University - Gold Standard Multimedia, Hollinger, T., Rathe, R., Garren, T; “Microscopic
Anatomic Anatomy;” Royalty to the University - COMEC Grant award for hand-held computers, $5000, 1999-2000
- Gold Standard Multimedia, Inc., Development Grant for Basic Clinical Skills,
$7,600.00 - NBME PBE4 Reconciliation Project, 2000
- Grand Rounds Online, Shands Healthcare, $8,000, 2001
- Grand Rounds Online, Shands Healthcare, $17,000, 2002
- Grand Rounds Online, Shands Healthcare, $17,000, 2003
- Grand Rounds Online, Shands Healthcare, $17,000, 2004
- Grand Rounds Online, Shands Healthcare, $17,000, 2006
- Grand Rounds Online, Shands Healthcare, $15,000, 2008
- Curriculum in Radiology Reporting; RSNA, Lanier L, Sistrom C, Rathe R; July
2003-July2005; 10% salary support - Testing Facilities, “Man’s Food” and others, $6,000, fall 2003
- Testing Facilities, “Man’s Food” and others, $18,000, 2004-2005
- Testing Facilities, “In Kind” support from College of Nursing,
$20,000, 2004-2005 - Musculoskeletal Pathology Course, Computer Support, $4,000, 2004-2005
- Consultant, “TriageDoc” Bioterrorism SBIR Grant, $3,000, 2004-2005
- Testing Facilities, “In Kind” support from College of Nursing,
$10,000, 2005 - Testing Facilities, “Man’s Food” and others, $18,000, 2005-2006
- Testing Facilities, “Man’s Food” and others, $18,000, 2006-2008
- Six Months Salary Support, NBME Reassignment, Jun-Nov 2006
- Radiology Residency Curriculum Support, $12,000, 2007-2008
- Testing Facilities, Cost Sharing, HSC Colleges, 2010-2014
Revised June 1, 2017 ::