If you take a 3pt functional symptom scale and couple it with a 3pt frequency scale you have a 3×3 grid that might work better than a one dimensional 10pt scale.
‘HPI’ Articles
ShortNote – Clinical Shorthand 1.0
I have worked with home-grown and commercial Electronic Medical Records for over thirty years. The use of “dot commands” (a period followed by a trigger phrase) is about as old as personal computing. (I first encountered dot commands in the WordStar word processing program during the 1980s!) These commands generally fall into three categories: a) links to retrieve […]
QuickHPI v1.2 – Fully Functional Client-Side Web App
This is the first release of quickHPI for general use by students, residents and clinicians. It is based on version 1.1 with persistent client-side data storage added. Once installed, it can be used offline when network connectivity is unavailable or undesired. The purpose of quickHPI is threefold: 1) Provide a practical tool for clinicians; 2) […]